: A peeling product that contains rice biome, which is a lactic acid bacteria in rice, to keep the skin moist and
to gently cleanse sebum and unnecessary dead skin cells.
: It is pure peeling rather than artificial exfoliation with no cellulose added. It contains apple dietary fiber to absorb
skin impurities and dead skin cells.
: It is a hypoallergenic & EASY peeling that can be used daily even for sensitive skin with a bubble that resembles
a fluffy meringue that minimizes skin irritation with ingredients derived from nature.
▶ How to use
1. Shake enough to mix the contents well before use.
2. In a dry condition, take an appropriate amount and apply evenly over the entire face, except around the eyes.
3. Gently roll for 20~30 seconds and rinse off with lukewarm water when dead skin cells come out.