: Bogum Cactus from Jeju Island contains five times more vitamins, flavonoids, and minerals than aloe,
providing rich nutrition to the skin.
: Panthenol, a vitamin B5 derivative applied to the skin, is effective in soothing the skin, protecting the barrier
and helping to improve the skin's own moisturizing function.
▶ How to use
: Use it as an intensive moisturizing pack when your skin is not in good condition.
: Easy care for "All-in-one moisturizing charge!" on a busy morning.
: Apply body care to dry areas such as elbows and knees.
1. After cleansing, use a pad to gently wipe the entire face along the skin texture.
2. After placing it like a pack, remove the pad after 5-10 minutes and pat the remaining cream lightly for absorption.